North Dakota Century Code

Chapter 6-07.1

Dissolution and Liquidation of Trust Companies

Section Section Name
6-07.1-01 Action to close state trust company
6-07.1-02 Involuntary closing
6-07.1-03 Nature and duration of receivership
6-07.1-04 Contest of liquidation
6-07.1-05 Notice of state trust company closing
6-07.1-06 Inventory
6-07.1-07 Title and receiver
6-07.1-08 Rights fixed
6-07.1-09 Depositories
6-07.1-10 Pending lawsuits
6-07.1-11 New lawsuits
6-07.1-12 Records with third parties
6-07.1-13 Injunction in aid of liquidation
6-07.1-14 Subpoena
6-07.1-15 Preferences
6-07.1-16 Administrative expenses
6-07.1-17 Disposal of property and settling claims
6-07.1-18 Filing reports and expenses
6-07.1-19 Fiduciary activities
6-07.1-20 Disposition and maintenance of records
6-07.1-21 Filing claims