HB 1135 - Video

A Amendment M Marked Up
E Engrossment $ Fiscal Note
HJ House Journal SJ Senate Journal
Date Time Day Chamber/Committee Description Versions
02/03 09:02 AM 22 House Agriculture HB 1135
02/03 09:03 AM 22 House Agriculture Representative Klemin Introduces Bill
02/03 09:03 AM 22 House Agriculture Representative Klemin - Additional Testimony
02/03 09:03 AM 22 House Agriculture Representative Klemin - Additional Testimony
02/03 09:03 AM 22 House Agriculture Representative Klemin - Additional Testimony
02/03 09:03 AM 22 House Agriculture Representative Klemin - Additional Testimony
02/03 09:24 AM 22 House Agriculture Sam Wagner - Dakota Resource Council- In Favor
02/03 09:27 AM 22 House Agriculture Michael Coachman- Larimore ND- In Favor
02/03 09:31 AM 22 House Agriculture Jason Peirce- Devils Lake- In Favor
02/03 09:34 AM 22 House Agriculture Travis Zablotney - Minot Farmer - In Opposition
02/03 09:36 AM 22 House Agriculture Doug Goehring - Agriculture Commissioner - In Opposition
02/03 09:36 AM 22 House Agriculture Doug Goehring - Additional Testimony
02/03 09:43 AM 22 House Agriculture Closed the hearing
02/16 10:37 AM 31 House Agriculture HB1135
02/16 10:37 AM 31 House Agriculture Discussion
02/16 10:43 AM 31 House Agriculture Representative Headland Moves a Do Pass as Amended 0215.01001
02/16 10:44 AM 31 House Agriculture Representative Beltz Seconds
02/16 10:44 AM 31 House Agriculture Discussion
02/16 10:55 AM 31 House Agriculture Roll Call 11-1-1 Do Pass as Amended
02/16 10:56 AM 31 House Agriculture Representative Schreiber-Beck Moves to Further Amend
02/16 10:56 AM 31 House Agriculture Representative Fisher Seconds
02/16 11:07 AM 31 House Agriculture Roll Call 7-6-0 Do Pass
02/16 11:07 AM 31 House Agriculture Representative Beltz Do Pass as Amended
02/16 11:08 AM 31 House Agriculture Representative Kiefert Seconds
02/16 11:17 AM 31 House Agriculture Recess Bill Until this Afternoon More Discussion Needed
02/16 04:11 PM 31 House Agriculture HB1135 Continued From Morning
02/16 04:11 PM 31 House Agriculture Discussion-motions brought from morning session- Representative Beltz Moves as Amended Representative Kiefert Seconds
02/16 04:25 PM 31 House Agriculture Roll Call 7-6-0 motion carries Do Pass as Amended Representative Beltz carrier
02/20 01:10 PM 33 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1135 - Division A - Division A
02/20 01:10 PM 33 House Representative Beltz
02/20 01:12 PM 33 House Representative Tveit
02/20 01:12 PM 33 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1135 - Division B - Division B
02/20 01:12 PM 33 House Representative Tveit
02/20 01:14 PM 33 House Representative Beltz
02/20 01:16 PM 33 House Representative Hoverson
02/20 01:17 PM 33 House Representative Headland
02/20 01:19 PM 33 House Representative Tveit
02/20 01:20 PM 33 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1135 - Division B - Division B - Votes Required 47: PASSED - Yea 61 Nay 32 N/V 1 Exc 0
02/20 01:20 PM 33 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1135 - Division A - Division A
02/20 01:20 PM 33 House Representative Tveit
02/20 01:21 PM 33 House 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1135 - Division A - Division A - Votes Required 47: PASSED - Yea 93 Nay 0 N/V 1 Exc 0
02/20 01:21 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1135 - Agriculture - Do Pass
02/20 01:21 PM 33 House Representative Murphy
02/20 01:23 PM 33 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1135 - Agriculture - Do Pass - Votes Required 47: PASSED - Yea 93 Nay 0 N/V 1 Exc 0
03/17 11:20 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources HB 1135 - hearing opened
03/17 11:20 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Representative Klemin - Bill introduction
03/17 11:37 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Matt Perdue - Government Relations Director - ND Farmers Union
03/17 11:39 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Julie Ellingson - Executive Vice President - ND Stockmen's Association - oral testimony
03/17 11:41 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Travis Zablotney - Personal oral testimony
03/17 11:44 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Blaine Johnson - Chair - Real Property Section - State Bar Association of ND - neutral oral testimony
03/17 11:47 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Carrie Krause - Wells County Recorder - neutral oral testimony
03/17 11:51 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources John Ward - Lobbyist - introduced Nick Hacker
03/17 11:51 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Nick Hacker - Legislative Chair - ND Land Title Association - neutral oral testimony
03/17 11:52 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Representative Klemin - provided information to committee
03/17 11:53 AM 46 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Hearing closed
03/24 09:24 AM 51 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee Work - HB 1135
03/24 09:24 AM 51 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee discussion
03/30 09:28 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources HB 1135
03/30 09:32 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Matt Perdue - Lobbyist - ND Farmers Union - oral informational testimony & discussed proposed amendment
03/30 09:49 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources HB 1135
03/30 09:53 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Senator Kannianen moved to adopt amendment [attached]
03/30 09:54 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Senator Kessel seconded the motion
03/30 09:54 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Roll call vote - motion passed - 5-1-0
03/30 10:01 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Senator Magrum moved to adopt amendment [reduce 320 acres to 160 acres]
03/30 10:02 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Senator Boehm seconded the motion
03/30 10:04 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Roll call vote - motion passed - 4-2-0
03/30 10:05 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Senator Magrum moved DO PASS as amended
03/30 10:06 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Senator Beard seconded the motion
03/30 10:06 AM 55 Senate Energy and Natural Resources Roll call vote - motion passed - 6-0-0
04/04 04:09 PM 58 Senate 6th Order - Consideration Of Amendments - HB1135 - Energy and Natural Resources - Do Pass 23.0215.02000
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04/04 04:10 PM 58 Senate Senator Beard 23.0215.02000
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04/04 04:14 PM 58 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1135 - Energy and Natural Resources - Do Pass 23.0215.03000
04/04 04:14 PM 58 Senate Senator Beard 23.0215.03000
04/04 04:15 PM 58 Senate 14th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1135 - Energy and Natural Resources - Do Pass - Votes Required 24: PASSED - Yea 47 Nay 0 N/V 0 Exc 0 23.0215.03000
04/11 01:34 PM 63 House 12th Order - Consideration of Message from Senate - HB1135 - Agriculture - Concur In 23.0215.02000
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04/11 01:34 PM 63 House Representative Thomas 23.0215.02000
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04/11 01:36 PM 63 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1135 - Agriculture - Concur In 23.0215.03000
04/11 01:36 PM 63 House Representative Thomas 23.0215.03000
04/11 01:37 PM 63 House 11th Order - Final Passage House Measures - HB1135 - Agriculture - Concur In - Votes Required 48: PASSED - Yea 90 Nay 1 N/V 3 Exc 0 23.0215.03000