Actions to Measures | North Dakota Legislative Branch

Actions to Measures

HJ House Journal
SJ Senate Journal

Legislative Day 67 April 13, 2011

House Measure Actions
Measure Action Journal Page(s)
HB 1001 Not concurred HJ1666
HB 1001 Conference committee HJ1666
HB 1003 Not concurred HJ1663
HB 1003 Conference committee HJ1663
HB 1009 Filed with Secretary of State HJ1575
HB 1017 Filed with Secretary of State HJ1593
HB 1018 Concurred HJ1696
HB 1018 Failed HJ1667
HB 1020 Not concurred HJ1663
HB 1020 Conference committee HJ1663
HB 1022 Filed with Secretary of State HJ1575
HB 1023 Filed with Secretary of State HJ1575
HB 1024 Filed with Secretary of State HJ1593
HB 1026 Filed with Secretary of State HJ1169
HB 1027 Filed with Secretary of State HJ1169
HB 1028 Filed with Secretary of State HJ1169
HB 1033 Not concurred HJ1663
HB 1033 Conference committee HJ1663
HB 1037 Filed with Secretary of State HJ937
HB 1044 Not concurred HJ1663
HB 1044 Conference committee HJ1663
HB 1050 Filed with Secretary of State HJ937
HB 1051 Filed with Secretary of State HJ937
HB 1055 Filed with Secretary of State HJ1349
HB 1056 Filed with Secretary of State HJ937
HB 1063 Filed with Secretary of State HJ937
HB 1064 Filed with Secretary of State HJ1169
HB 1074 Committee report HJ1671
HB 1085 Committee report HJ1665
HB 1085 Passed HJ1665
HB 1091 Committee report HJ1666
HB 1091 Passed HJ1666
HB 1124 Committee report HJ1671
HB 1142 Committee report HJ1667 HJ1668
HB 1142 Passed HJ1668
HB 1199 Conference committee HJ1664
HB 1204 Committee report HJ1668 HJ1668
HB 1204 Passed HJ1669
HB 1246 Committee report HJ1672
HB 1289 Not concurred HJ1663
HB 1289 Conference committee HJ1663
HB 1318 Committee report HJ1673
HB 1438 Speaker signed HJ1671
HB 1438 Delivered to Governor HJ1671
HB 1469 Speaker signed HJ1671
HB 1469 Delivered to Governor HJ1671
SB 2003 Conference committee HJ1667
SB 2008 Conference committee HJ1667
SB 2013 Passed HJ1665
SB 2013 Emergency clause carried HJ1665
SB 2016 Conference committee HJ1667
SB 2020 Conference committee HJ1664
SB 2065 Committee report HJ1669 HJ1669
SB 2067 Committee report HJ1673
SB 2073 Committee report HJ1674
SB 2085 Committee report HJ1676
SB 2098 Committee report HJ1676
SB 2138 Committee report HJ1678
SB 2145 Committee report HJ1678
SB 2150 Amendment adopted HJ1664
SB 2150 Passed HJ1664
SB 2155 Committee report HJ1679
SB 2158 Committee report HJ1679
SB 2169 Committee report HJ1680
SB 2182 Committee report HJ1680
SB 2193 Committee report HJ1681
SB 2195 Committee report HJ1681
SB 2206 Committee report HJ1681
SB 2213 Committee report HJ1681
SB 2227 Conference committee HJ1664
SB 2231 Committee report HJ1682
SB 2247 Committee report HJ1682
SB 2253 Committee report HJ1682
SB 2268 Conference committee HJ1664
SB 2308 Committee report HJ1684
SB 2361 Committee report HJ1684
SCR 4002 Committee report HJ1685