Major Topic Index - Congress

Category Bill
Congress Apology for Treatment of Native Americans SCR 4007
Congress Examine National Animal Identification System SCR 4019
Congress Exempt Hydraulic Fracturing From Water Regulation SCR 4020
Congressional Vacancy Special Election HB 1452
Congress Provide Affordable Prescription Drugs SCR 4023
Congress Regulate Horse Processing Facilities SCR 4021
Congress Repeal Tax Subsidies for Offshore Jobs SCR 4022
Congress to Adopt Veterans Remembered Flag SCR 4008
Congress to Promote Travel to the United States SCR 4016
Congress Urged Not to Enact Hasty Climate Change Leg HCR 3030
Congress Urged Not to Enact Unfunded Education Mandates HCR 3022
Congress Urged to Allow Offshore Drilling HCR 3039
Congress Urged to Allow Taking Elk in Roosevelt National Park HCR 3007
Congress Urged to Avoid North American Union HCR 3040
Congress Urged to Oppose Carbon Dioxide Emission Standards HCR 3038
Congress Urged to Protect Railroad Shippers HCR 3034
Congress Urged to Reduce Elk Population at Roosevelt Park SCR 4012
Congress Urged to Reject Freedom of Choice Act HCR 3015
Congress Urged to Resist Income Tax Increases HCR 3032
Congress Urged to Retain Navigable Water in Clean Water Act HCR 3014
Congress Urged to Support Beneficial Biotechnology HCR 3028
Employee Free Choice Act Opposition Urged SCR 4033
Federal Mandate Opposition Under Tenth Amendment HCR 3063
Immigration Policy Support SCR 4003
Make Red River Valley Authority a Federal Agency SCR 4035
Pesticide Exemption Urged for Epa Rule HCR 3067
Pow-mia Independent Counsel Investigation Urged HCR 3065
Red River Valley Research Corridor Accomplishments HCR 3025
Roxana Saberi Release Support HCR 3064
United States Senate Vacancy HB 1439
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