Major Topic Index - Congress

Category Bill
Budget Section Block Grant Hearings SCR 4002
Congress Agricultural Pricing Hearings HCR 3041
Congress Crop Protection Product Use HCR 3042
Congress Notice of Rescinding Call for Constitut. Convention SCR 4028
Congress to Address Freedom to Farm Legislation SCR 4026
Congress to Adopt Responsible Public Land Policy SCR 4015
Congress to Amend Constitution on Court Tax Authority HCR 3031
Congress to Amend Constitution on Redistricting SCR 4012
Congress to Correct Inequities in International Trade HCR 3027
Congress to Eliminate Capital Gains Tax on Inflation SCR 4005
Congress to Eliminate Marriage Penalty in Income Tax SCR 4029
Congress to Eliminate Social Security Offset for Workers Comp SCR 4024
Congress to Encourage Industrial Hemp HCR 3033
Congress to Increase Medicare Reimbursement HCR 3030
Congress to Initiate Repeal of Seventeenth Amendment HCR 3028
Congress to Let States Govern National Grasslands Activity SCR 4009
Congress to Lift Cuban Trade Embargo SCR 4025
Congress to Limit Meatpacker Livestock Ownership HCR 3035
Congress to Monitor Anticompetitive Grain and Meat Practices SCR 4023
Congress to Raise Education Funding for Disabled Children HCR 3024
Congress to Recognize State Rights on Gun Control HCR 3011
Congress Urged Not to Implement Kyoto Protocol HCR 3004
Congress Urged to Allow Farmers to Withdraw Retirement Invest SCR 4004
Congress Urged to Allow Farrm Accounts SCR 4006
Congress Urged to Assure Fairness in Lake Property Transfers HCR 3019
Congress Urged to Eliminate Capital Gains and Estate Taxes SCR 4003
Congress Urged to Fund Dakota Water Resources Act HCR 3021
Congress Urged to Help Mandan High School Band HCR 3071
Congress Urged to Improve Grain Grading for Fcic HCR 3016
Congress Urged to Provide Consistent Grain Grading HCR 3001
Durum Crop Revenue Coverage Continuation Urged SCR 4050
Federal Tax Relief Proposal Support HCR 3073
Legislative Council Missouri River Issues Study SCR 4046
Livestock Disease Eradication Efforts Urged SCR 4051
Purple Heart Medal Postage Stamp Urged SCR 4048
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