Session Laws - Political Subdivisions

2023 Regular Session (68th Legislative Assembly)

Political Subdivisions - see also Cities; Counties; Townships

Category Chapter
Agriculture Diversification and Development Fund 75
Agriculture Infrastructure Fund Grants 98
Audit Fees of Political Subdivisions 467
Audits of State Agencies, Reports, Financial Audits, Petitions 468
Autocycles and Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol 353
Burn Restriction Established by a Local Order 334
Connection or Reconnection of Utility Services 108
Cooperative Purchasing Pursuant to a Joint Powers Agreement 110
Core Functions of Public Health Units 251
Cost Limitations for County Bridge 270
Delivery Network Companies 286
Duties of Township Officials 560
Duty of Final Disposition 238
City Commissioners, City Council Members, and Park District Commissioners 366
Electronic Voting Systems, Devices, Absentee Voting, and Canvassing Boards 204
Offenses and Election Observers 201
Prohibition of Ranked Choice Voting 586
Prohibition of Ranked Choice Voting and Approval Voting 586
Establishment of Livestock Friendly County Designation 71
Event Permits for Microbrew Pubs, Domestic Wineries, Domestic Distilleries, and Brewer Taproom Licenses 90
Fee for Administrative and Operational Maintenance Costs of the Statewide Interoperable Radio Network 554
Final Disposition of Individuals Who Are Indigent 237
Foster Home for Adults Zoning Areas 432
Freedom to Exercise Religion 141
Licenses for Alcoholic Beverage Establishments and Bingo Halls 453
Raffle or Sports Pool Local Permits 455
Job Development Authorities 112
Jurisdiction of Municipal Judge 368
Model Zoning Ordinance for Animal Feeding Operations 73
Multipassenger Bicycles and Driving While Under the Influence of Alcohol 353
Opioid Settlement Advisory Committee 416
Peace Officers
Acting Outside Jurisdiction 302
Pledge of Allegiance 111
Prohibition on Local Development by a Foreign Adversary 109
Proposed Studies
Public Employee Retirement System Main System Plan Funding Options and Contributions by Political Subdivisions 514
Public Employees Retirement System
Defined Benefit and Defined Contribution Plans(1) 514
Reciprocal Preference Requirements in Procurement 512
Refusing Veterans' Preference 338
Regional Emergency Management Organizations 333
Repeal of the Rural Growth Incentive Program 478
Repeal Statutes Relating to a Political Subdivision's Ability to Establish a Library Without an Election and Local Maintenance of Public Libraries 477
Requiring Institutions of Higher Education Designating Athletic Teams and Sports for Male, Female, or Coed Participation and Limitations on Use of Government Property 158
Resolution of Identical Bids or Proposals and Vendor Requirements 512
Restrictions on Adult-oriented Performances 130
Rural Ambulance Service Districts 115
Rural Attorney Recruit Program 291
Rural Grocery Store Sustainability and Food Access Expansion Pilot Grant Program 64
Sanctuary Status of a Noncitizen 400
Snow Removal Grants of up to Sixty Percent for Costs Incurred 61
Drainage Basin Tax Levy 571
Land Acquisition Costs Exempt From Levy Limits 507
Renaissance Zones and Income and Property Tax Incentives Related to Renaissance Zones 369
Tax Lien Foreclosures 536
Township Special Road Fund Limitations 535
Traffic Control
Adding Penalty to Traffic Signs Prohibiting Engine Brakes and Vehicle Noise 107
Devices May Not Be Removed by Department of Transportation 355
Entering a Closed Road 356
Creation of the Northwest Area Water Supply Authority 575
Department of Water Resources Authority to Require Operating Plans for Dams 563
Floodplain Management Ordinances Enforcement 573
Joint Water Resource Boards and Construction of a Water Project in More Than One County 571
Operation of Watershed Districts 571
Smaller Subsurface Water Management Systems 576
Storage Contracts 564
Western Area Water Supply Authority Loans 577
Wild and Scenic River Designation 568
Home Rule and Limitation on Authority Regarding Firearms 106
Limitation on Authority Regarding Firearms 106
Ordinances Regarding Firearms 194
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